X’TRAGIN Kopi Jahe Ginseng

Bagi pecinta kopi, X’TRAGIN Kopi Jahe Ginseng memberikan sentuhan rasa kopi berbeda dengan tambahan jahe dan ginseng yang dapat membantu menghangatkan dan mempertahankan stamina tubuh.

For coffee lovers, X’TRAGIN Ginseng Ginger Coffee gives a different touch of coffee taste with the addition of ginger and ginseng which can help warm the body and maintain stamina.

Komposisi / Composition Kemasan / Packaging
Kopi / Coffee
Sari jahe segar / Fresh ginger juice
Ekstrak ginseng / Ginseng extract
Krimer / Creamer
Gula / Sugar
Kotak, berat bersih 110 gram
1 kotak isi 5 sachet @22 gram

Box, netto 110 grams
1 box consists of 5 sachets @22 grams